Our Story
Deeply moved by the organizing of recently passed on Larry Gordon of Village Harmony- in the summer of 2022, Milly began leading monthly singing circles out of her living room. These singing circles were designed to provide singers of all levels a place to free the voice and sing in harmony, with no weekly commitment. She drew from a repertoire of songs learned orally among a community of Outdoor Educators near Pescadero, CA.
Having met through other improvisational music and dance spaces, Jordan attended one of the first circles, kept coming back, and eventually said, "Hey, I want to do this with you!" Since their first co-led circle in January 2023, their collaborative bond has continued to grow and evolve, as have their offerings. Milly & Jordan bring a spirit of research and curiosity to this work, exploring new approaches, themes and edges as music facilitators. With each Singing Circle, they uncover the nuances of guiding singers of all levels into deeper connection with their voice and each other - and they uncover new possibilities for a vibrant singing community in Boston.
They know their vision for a world filled with song is much greater than themselves, and both want to support the growth of new songleaders, as well as collaborate with other aligned artistic and community leaders. If that's you, let's connect!